Financial Independence aka Retirement Planning

This week we continue our financial planning process with retirement planning.  My goal is to help you develop a plan to have everything in place to achieve your financial independence.  Retirement looks different for everyone.  I focus on income planning and not just getting caught up in the market highs and lows.  

It is important to monitor your annual living expenses, continue to adjust and follow a budgetary guideline.  We do have to acknowledge life happens though.  To meet your retirement objectives there are many income resources to evaluate such as earned income, investments, employee benefits programs, and social security.  When building your portfolio, focusing on non-qualified and qualified investments is key.  Non-qualified investments use after-tax dollars to fund them whereas qualified investments have pre-tax contributions.  It’s important to have an allocation of both.  For example, retirement accounts can only be accessed at age 59 ½ or later without incurring penalties.  These two types of accounts work together to provide income throughout your life.  This article is just a general overview. 

Remember to focus on the present and the future, not the past.

To discuss further, please contact me at (336) 413-6854, or by email at


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